Today until 12 noon, with the closing of the deadline for submission of binding offers to the International Public Tender, within the framework of the Batižele development project, the investor who passed the first stage of the tender, withdrew from the procedure and did not submit a binding offer.
The investor justifies the withdrawal of the binding offer by the rigidity of the general conditions of the tender procedure.
"The protection of the interests of the city and city property is the most important to us, and we do not deviate from the criteria that we have set and included in the documentation of the tender process", said Mayor Željko Burić, adding that seriousness and consistency are expected from the potential investor, as this is an important project for the city Šibenik.
Director of the Batižele society, Nina Kursar, reminded that the Call for Expression of Interest, for the purpose of selecting a development partner for the Project "Urban land regeneration in Šibenik - Batižele Project", was divided into two phases. In the pre-qualification phase, two offers were received from potential investors - SoReal Consortium & Vacon d.o.o. and Eagle Hills Waterfront Investment LLC.
During the evaluation of the investor statements received, it was determined that only the potential investor Eagle Hills met the prescribed criteria and thus became a qualified candidate.
"During the second phase, inquiries were intensively made by the investors, and at their request, the deadline for submission of binding offers was extended twice. Today, instead of receiving a binding offer, we received a letter from Eagle Hills citing the rigor of the tender conditions as the reason for withdrawing from the process. I believe that we have incorporated high standards and numerous protective mechanisms into the tender documentation, so that the interests of the city and the protection of extremely valuable space come first", said Kursar, adding that the City of Šibenik and the Batižele society will not deviate from what has been done even in the next steps. priority of the project, and in the interest of the city of Šibenik and all its citizens.
Published: 02.09.2024