The share capital of BATIŽELE d.o.o. Šibenik is HRK 296,615,600.00.
The basic capital of the company consists of 5 (five) business shares, which are kept in the book of business shares under ordinal numbers 1 to 5, namely:
- CITY OF ŠIBENIK, OIB: 55644094063, Šibenik, Trg Palih branitelja Dominovski rata 1 - owner of two business shares;
1) HRK 148,500,000.00 (in words: one hundred forty-eight million five hundred thousand kuna), 50.06% of the share capital and
2) HRK 53,040,600.00 (fifty-three million forty-six hundred kuna), 17.88% of the share capital
- REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, OIB: 52634238587, Zagreb, Trg Svetog Marka 2 - owner of one business share
3) HRK 67,154,500.00 (sixty-seven million one hundred fifty-four thousand five hundred kuna), 22.64% of the share capital
- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY FUND, OIB: 85828625994, Zagreb, Radnička cesta 80 - owner of one business share;
4) HRK 25,852,700.00 (twenty-five million eight hundred and fifty-two thousand seven hundred kuna), 8.72% of the share capital
- CROATIAN WATERS, LEGAL ENTITY FOR WATER MANAGEMENT, ID: 28921383001, Zagreb, Ulica Grada Vukovara 220 - owner of one business share,
5) HRK 2,067,800.00 (two million sixty-seven thousand eight hundred kuna), 0.70% of the share capital.