The location of Batižele is located on the seashore in the Šibenik bay, which is the estuary of the river Krka and a natural continuation of the Krka National Park.
The plateau zone is bordered by a coastline, Smričnjak hill in the west, Crnica city district in the north, and the historic centre in the southeast. The topography of the terrain, rising from south to north, provides excellent access to sunlight, daylight, and a magnificent view of the Šibenik Bay.
Geology and geotechnical barriers
The base consists of deposits of sand and gravel from the Quaternary that cover the shallow limestone foundation.
Geotechnical barriers to be considered when designing future developments include the following:
• Limestone in shallow waters is affected by weather conditions in the upper 10 meters.
• The groundwater level is shallow.
• Natural slopes are steep, especially where the level of the site descends towards the shoreline.
• Thick soil of unknown characteristics is locally located below the development platform in the middle and the east.
• The structural conditions of the retaining walls for the development platform are unknown.
• The overflow channel (1200 mm in diameter) crosses the location in the north moving towards the south.
• The condition and layout of drainage networks are unknown.
• Barriers under the ground are massive foundations for previous production facilities.
• Filled basements and possible gaps are associated with basements and pits.
Potential geotechnical barriers are shown on a map with geotechnical barriers (Site Status and Market Conditions, page 97)
Rehabilitation of the terrain
The remediation of contaminated soil was carried out on the basis of the Environmental Remediation Program of the former TEF Factory in Šibenik, dated January 2007 and its amendment, dated December 2009.
The remediation of the site of the former TEF Factory was carried out in three independent projects, namely:
When proposing industrial site redevelopment, existing pollution at the site should be assessed and remedied to a standard that will ensure that the newly developed site does not adversely affect future site users or the wider environment (including groundwater, coastal sea, and ecology)
Rehabilitation works to date have focused on the most polluted areas and the most dangerous pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Remediation was limited to the eastern part of the site to localized pollution areas.
• removal of remaining piles of unsuitable material, such as slag and remaining structures above ground level;
• removing barriers below ground level (where necessary to facilitate the proposed development) such as foundations, redundant systems;
• overflow condition assessment DN 1200 mm and replacement if necessary;
• assessment of the condition of retaining walls and natural steep runoff and their improvement if necessary;
• earthworks to create the necessary development platform and coastal profile, including the processing of reusable materials such as demolition residues;
• remediation of soil contamination hotspots (excavation and off-site treatment or disposal, or on-site treatment decline to a standard defined in the risk assessment);
• groundwater remediation (according to risk assessment).
Prior to undertaking any remediation work, it will be necessary to obtain the approval of the environmental regulator.