All of the real estate in the former TEF area are owned by the company Batižele d.o.o., company for real estate management, Prilaz tvornici 39, Šibenik, OIB (PIN): 73841169007, and, according to the Commercial court register in Šibenik the owner of all the business shares (100%) in that company is the City of Šibenik.
The share capital of the company has recently increased through debt to equity swap, and the new shareholders are visible in the commercial court registry. The share structure, according to the information provided by the CoŠ, is the following: Republic of Croatia owns 22.64% of the shares, the Environment Protection Fund owns 8.72% and the Croatian Water Company owns 0.70% of the company shares, therefore the total percent of shares owned by the Republic of Croatia directly or indirectly (through companies in its ownership) is 32.06%, and the city of Šibenik remains the owner of 67.94% of shares.
Batižele d.o.o. is the owner of most of the plots which belonged to the former “Tvornica elektroda and ferolgura”, and they are divided in five real estate excerpts, all being in the cadastral municipality of Šibenik, and inscribed in the land registry of the Municipal Court in Šibenik.
(Map and tables of cadastral parcels, see > Location status and market conditions, page 111)
Cadastral DWG view