Official pages - Batižele d.o.o.

Phase A of the International tender for the Batižele project has been completed

The deadline for the submission of documentation in Phase A of the International Public Tender - Call for Expressions of Interest for the purpose of selecting a Development Partner for the Batižele Project expired on March 4 at 12 noon.

"Within the deadline, we received expressions of interest from two candidates," said Nina Kursar, director of Batižele d.o.o.

Now comes the evaluation of the submitted documentation by the Commission, which must check within three weeks whether the candidates meet the prescribed criteria, namely: the criterion of good business reputation, the criterion of financial capacity and the criterion of technical expertise. If the Commission determines that the candidates meet all the prescribed criteria, the Batižele company will make a decision on the selection of Qualified candidates, who will also be notified of the start of Phase B, which will last 12 weeks and is the deadline for submitting Binding Offers.

  Published: 04.03.2024


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